Watch triage and fall in love

This wonderful series came out during a time where we were still considered to be in the pandemic. Unfortunately due to that, I don’ think it got the promotion or attention that it deserved.

Although not a new concept in cinema, it was a new concept within BL series. Sammon introduces Triage, the first time loop BL, a trope yet be dealt to us as the audience. Sammon is an amazing writer and hopefully doctor, who has given us great series such as: Manner of Death, Dead Friend Forever, and soon to be 4 Minutes. Triage, to me, is not an exception from the great shows she has created.

This series introduces Tin, a third-year resident, who seems to have lost passion in his job since the passing of his sister. His sister’s death left a lasting impact on his career and biases even within his ethics, specifically on drunk patients. We immediately are introduce to his biases during his first patient who seems to be drunk, which resulted in him treating the patient a bit more indifferent or hostile even. During his time helping out the patients in the emergency room, we are introduced to Tol, a rich university, who has ended up in a possible drunk driving accident (You know what that means). Unfortunately, Tin can’t save him that day, but he’ll have to keep reliving that day til he can. Which is how we meet Jinta, our representation of your choice of mythological/religious higher beings; I see Jinta as both death, life, and balance (maybe that makes him god or a god).

Although we have seen similar tropes in Groundhog Day, Happy Death Day, and even special episodes of shows; We have never seen shows or movies take the trope in this direction. There start to be extra rules that come into play so that he doesn’t have to wake up the same day, but also make it further in the future or the past in order to discover new details to help with this case. Through his need to figure out what’s going with Tol, he ends up need to help other characters as well as the possible corruption in his hospital. This leads to many ups, downs, and sometimes confusion turned into the best plot twist with Love coming forefront & center between Tol and Tin. Will Tin having to seeing Tol die so much while having to having to get close to him, help him or break him?

Before we go,I would like to talk about Jinta for a bit. Jinta’s character as a whole, is an incredible deep dive that I could go over all day. He comes during a time where there seems to be too many misfortunes happening at an alarming rate, possible creating the need for Tin to continuously live the same day in order to create balance in the chaos that is surrounding his work place. Often times when there is lack of balance in shows like this, you see a supernatural occurrence that creates a lasting impact on the world that changes the tides forever. Jinta is that supernatural occurrence that only appears in front of two heroes of the series. However, he is a higher being that can not directly changes the history of the human world, hence getting a human to do it instead. Like I said, I can talk about this specific character forever, but let’s wrap up!

I think the only downside of this show is that we don’t get to dive more into the other plot line is started near the end; and that we don’t get to see Tol and Tin enjoying more of their life outside of all the chaos they had to deal with. Overall was an amazing story that gives you a something different from he usually BL we get. Also, a fun rewatch for those who like to look back and see what they missed.


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How “We Are” So Far